Many of you might not know, but my wedding anniversary is Feb. 19th. So we never really celebrate Valentines Day because our anniversary is right behind it. Or maybe we do, but somehow they both get lumped together. Either way, had I of know this, I would have made our wedding either earlier or later cause I have always loved Valentines Day!! I don’t understand how some people can hate it?.? I’m convinced that these are people that have either always had bad experiences on V-day, or have never had someone to share it with, cause how you can hate the day of love is beyond me.

Anyways, getting off subject… Where were we… Ah, yes… My V-day/Anniversary crisis. So this year I vow it to be different. This year I’m gonna surprise my hubby on V-day with a babysitter, all out steak dinner, and some kind of completely decadent dessert. All at home over candles. I know he wont see this cause he doesn’t read my blog, so I can tell you all, but if you know my hubby, mums the word!! But this is my plan to start celebrating Valentines separately from now on.

See Also:  Getting started!!

So, these aren’t my picture but to give you an idea of what I have in mind, here is my meal plan:


For recipe click here!!
Spinach Artichoke Dip (cause it’s my hubbies favorite)
To view photo source click here.
Filet Mignon with this amazing onion stack.


And for dessert, Molten Lava Chocolate Cake, cause my hubby loves cake, and I love this cake 😉 Plus between the chocolate and the melt-i-ness (not a word, sorry), this dessert just says romance to me. Might be my girlish idealism, but I’m hoping this makes everything work.
So that’s my plan. That and I need to go get a cute little number from Victoria Secret to top it all off (which I will not be posting a picture of cause that would just be acquired :), but that about sums it up.
What do you have planned for Valentine’s Day??

Photo’s, in order of appearance, from,,,

See Also:  Over 100 Posts!!!